Monday, April 25, 2011

Things Courtney Has Learned This Weekend

  1. Champagne and hunch punch should never be mixed. Seriously- it leads to bad things.
  2. Drunk crying for over an hour is ridiculous and succeeds in nothing other than making you 'THAT girl' (Sitting in the road and forgetting your address during the aforementioned crying incident are also not advised.)
  3. I am, and will probably forever, be super blue. Every personality test I take yields the same results... seriously, it's scary.
  4. Working Friday night, to be up early for a full day of activities and a full night of drunkness on Saturday, to be hungover all day Sunday (the day before FINALS) is a bad life choice.
  5. Not studying for Monday morning finals until Monday morning, isn't such a great life choice either.
  6. Hungover cleaning is really not my idea of a good time, but I'm glad I went back to help.
  7. My brothers are amazing. End of story.
  8. People who I underestimate really do care about how I feel... even if they don't show it all the time. (Thanks for taking the time to make sure I was okay and for attempting to talk things out with me. I appreciate you!)

My mom is coming into town next weekend and I am beyond ready for her to be here! I haven't seen her in a month and after the past few weeks... I just really need that stability that she brings for a little while. Of course, this means I have to find time in my jam packed schedule of finals and work (four straight nights at work coupled with four finals is just not a recipe for fun, at all) to tackle the mountain of laundry I have in the middle of my floor so she doesn't freak out... but oddly enough, I'm ready for whatever ridiculousness I have to do to get it done. It'll make things more exciting. :)

Good luck on your finals, if you have them!

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