Tuesday, April 19, 2011

There are a surprising number of stray animals that roam this campus in the wee hours of the morning...

For having the crap day that I had (I'm pretty sure that I'm starting to get sick, or something of that nature, because I slept through pretty much everything today, and felt really yucky for the few hours that I actually spent awake), tonight has actually turned out to be better than I expected. :)

I got to spend some time with my best friend tonight... for the first time in almost a month. I love that it wasn't anything extraoridnary (we literally laid in bed eating dry Captain Crunch and watched the Disney channel) but was everything I needed to feel somewhat balanced. I mean, we still have some a lot of catching up to do, because we both lead very busy lives these days.. but we're definitely on track to getting to level ground.

He makes me really happy :)
(This is old... but it's literally the only decent picture that we have together.
Clearly we're in need of a photo shoot)

Moving on...

Tonight marks my fourth consecutive night on duty... my second consecutive night in Deviney. I honestly don't know how I'm still functioning, but I am and my paycheck better be worth it. One of my favorite RA's in this death-trap of a residence hall brought down a [sugar free] Red Bull earlier and I'm pretty sure she saved my life. I hit my peak a few hours ago, and I'm pretty sure I'm on the way down, 'cause I'm starting to yawn a lot. Those yawns could also be my weak attempts to stifle tears (I'm re-watching The Notebook for the millionth time), but for now, we'll stick with the caffeine running out of my system. :)

Yesterday marked the beginning of the last two weeks of the semester.. and needless to say, I'm freaking out. This semester has gone by so fast and I'm nowhere near prepared enough to be done. I still have to finish my FAFSA and do some serious work to come out with decent grades. I have half of my history final on Wednesday night, and I still don't know how I did on my last test in that class because I haven't been in two weeks. (Clearly, I'm a model student.) I think a part of the reason I'm freaking out is that the end of this semester marks the beginning of my last semester (or last couple semesters, as I'm taking summer classes this year) here at Florida State.

I'm not ready to be done.

I've only been at FSU for two years, but it feels like it's been forever. This university has become my home and the people here my family. I don't know what it feels like to be in a non-academic setting for an extended period of time and I really have no idea what the hell I'm going to actually do with my degree. I don't know what I'm going to do without being constantly surrounded by my brothers and my night-staffers, and free-time is a concept that has become so foreign, I'm going to have to take a class to figure out what to do with myself.

In other news...

My little brother turns 20 years old in less than a month.
Where the hell has the time gone?!
It seems like it was yesterday that we were little kids running around the backyard in our own make-believe worlds, just living life the way it was meant to be lived. Now he's living on his own, got a full time job and a baby on the way. I know we're not really that far apart in age, but it makes me feel really old that he will no longer be a teenager.
I mean, I'm going to be 23 in December, but damn.
I remember when he started school, when he lost his first tooth, his 7th birthday, teaching him how to ride a pogo-stick, and so much more... Time is seriously moving way too fast, and it needs to slow the freak down. I'm hoping that everything will be in order by the time his birthday rolls around so that I can make a trip to Jacksonville to spend it with him... I would feel really shitty if I showed up to watch my neice come into the world in June and I didn't make it to his birthday. Fingers crossed that karma is on my side.

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