Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My 'vent' for today...


I realize that it's my own fault and that I probably don't have a right to complain, but it's my blog and I'm going to bitch because I can.

I'm usually one to appreciate those blatantly sarcastic comments from others, but honestly, I'm not in the mood for that shit today. I'm coming off of a four (consecutive) day work stretch and an all nighter to study for a test that I have this afternoon. My all-nighter started in Strozier literally right after my class got out yesterday and I eventually ended up in Smith with a friend who was on duty. I should probably mention that my productivity level took a huge dive once I got to Smith, but at least I got some studying done between going on rounds and random adventures though the West Side.

Point being - Morning receptionists really don't have a right to be snarky.

Let's be for real- they come in at 7 (& half the time they're late) and work for maybe four hours. They literally do nothing except sit at the desk and occasionally answer the phone. They need to stop acting like they're so freaking special because they get to within the confines of a (in most cases) really shitty office and that I should be forever indebted to them for relieving me from my shift. They really don't have the right to look at me with disdain if I haven't gotten around to packing up my laptop and study materials to patiently wait for them to grace me with their presence. Just because I work a 9-hour over-night shift doesn't automatically mean that I have all the time in the world to sit and do nothing. (Granted, I do have a lot of down time between the time I do rounds and the occasional lock out, but that's really besides the point.)

I'd like to point out that this entire rant stems from the receptionist in Kellum this morning making some snarky-ass comment about how my intended 30 minute 'power nap' turned into a 3 hour, legit nap. Sure, I really only wanted to sleep for half an hour because I had shit to do this morning, but seriously- I slept in the lounge, and nobody's awake at 7:30 in the morning anyway. I left my computer behind the desk because I knew it would be safe back there. I'm just failing to see where it's really any of her business to comment on how long my nap was when I went to retrieve my belongings... it didn't, in any way, directly affect her and her ability to do her job.

I have half of my final this afternoon... and for such a small amount of material, I'm slightly freaking out. I don't necessarily have the best track record with test grades in this class... and funny enough, tests are all that matter in this class. (I hate that, by the way. I'm not a great test taker, so it really kinda screws me over from the get-go.)  I really just want this day/week/month to be over so I can bask in the wonderfulness of doing absolutely nothing with my life and attempt to fix my sleep schedule. Or create one... that might be a better place to start.

I just checked up on my summer classes. I'm really excited about my Religion and Genocide seminar that I'm taking, aside from the fact that it's only a FIVE person class. Who the heck has a class with only five people in it? I shouldn't really complain about it, considering that I was one of of the five to secure a spot on the roster (It's one of those 'you must have instructor permission to obtain a course code' class), but the complete lack of a class makes me a little nervous.

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