Thursday, April 28, 2011

I was in a great mood tonight... and then I got to the desk. I was really excited that Shannon ended up being my RA on call tonight, because I think she's fantastic and she just makes nights in this hall [that] much better... It's her last shift as an RA at FSU, and it makes me sad knowing that when I come back over the summer and in the fall, she won't be here (here as in on campus, not specificially in this building) to pick me up when I'm having a rough night or to just listen to me babble about whatever while on rounds. I'm glad that she'll still be around this summer though... she's definitely someone that I want to keep as a part of my life.

Tonight is my last Night Staff shift of the semester... and I'm at the point where I don't want it to be over. I mean, sure, a somewhat legitimate sleep schedule would be nice, and not spending the night in uncomfortable chairs in temperatures that are incredibly bi-polar sounds fantastic... but I'm going to miss this job for the month an a half that I'm not working. I've met some amazing people and had some crazy times while doing this job... I'm going to miss the way things are when summer officially starts and then the fall rolls around.

I have my last final of the semester tomorrow afternoon... I'm already mentally checked out, however, so I can't really tell you how I think it's going to go. I'm sitting here staring at all of my notes, and any whisp of motivation I had to commit this information to memory is completely gone. (Clearly, as I sit here blogging instead of studying...) I just want it to be over so I can focus on the summer.

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