Monday, April 18, 2011

I have some time before my receptionist shows up...

&& I'm highly caffeinated. Not really the best thing to pair with half an hour of sitting behind a desk with nothing better to do with my life, but whatever.

The 60th Anniversary celebration for my fraternity was this weekend, and from the looks of everyone's pictures, it was fantastic. I'm really glad that all of the hard work and planning that went into making it such a big deal paid off and everyone had a good time. :)

I was thinking the other day in my down time (yes, I do actually have some every now and again) that I've become entirely too dependent on technology. I don't remember the last time I actually had a face-to-face conversation with someone that didn't involve texting mid-conversation.... and that bothers me. I had the bright idea to actually cancel my cell phone service for an entire week in an attempt to gain some perspective on my life and work on those face-to-face relationships that I've been slacking on for the past... well, forever. Of course, as soon as it takes effect, there would be a robbery on campus that involved residents in the building I was working in last night and I would have to schedule time to fit in lunch with my APhiO family... at least the ones that decide to check the Facebook group with any regularity and actually participate in family events... but that's another point for possibly another time. Point being- in trying to be awesome and gain some perspective in my life, I picked an awful weekend to try and cut such an active part of my daily routine out of my life. I mean, it's already having an impact on me... it's made me aware of just how much random texting that I do on a daily basis (It's seriously only been 24 hours since I had it shut off... it's crazy how many random texts I've gone to send before realizing that I can't.) and it's forcing me to evaluate what's really important and what isn't. It's also helping me in the 'I tend to overcommunicate' area of my life... I'm sure that some people are already or will be rejoicing in this week of cell phone silence from me. Hopefully this week turns out to be something really awesome for me in terms of personal growth, and it'll be something that I stick with.

I've realized during my shift tonight that rounds are SO much better when you have an epic playlist to accompany you down the desolate hallways in the wee hours of the morning. I normally don't take my iPod with me on rounds, because (obviously) I won't be able to hear the radio, should it go off, over how loud I listen to my music. It's a quiet night in Deviney tonight though, so I figured 'why not' and picked a few upbeat songs to walk to.. and almost died of happiness. It might be something that I legitimately implement into my normal rounds routine... maybe, maybe.

OH! Night Staff banquet was last night... it was a fun excuse to put on a dress and cute shoes, but it wasn't anything overly special. I was glad that I got to spend some time with the people that have become such a big part of my life in the past few months in a not-so-formal setting (if that makes sense.. because we definitely got paid for going, and we had to dress for the occasion...) I am literally so glad I decided to bite the bullet and apply for this job this semester... I would be missing out on SO much awesomeness. These people are definitely my third family and some of my newest best friends. And people told me that my life would suck if I took this job... SO glad I didn't listen. :)

Well, I've still got about 20 minutes or so until the receptionist is supposed to be here.. fingers crossed she shows up today... because the last time I worked this building, nobody showed up because of the weather. (Which, by the way, was not even that bad. It literally only rained for a few hours, and then it was clear skies for the rest of the day. Man up and come to work, betches.) The Coca-Cola man, however, is paitently waiting at the door with his dolly full of caffeinated goodness for me to finish typing this... so I think this is where I leave you for now.

Have a great day :)

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