Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day has never been one of my favorite holidays.

Let's be serious- It's not even about love- it's about death. That's right, it represents St. Valentine being put to death for continuing to perform marriage ceremonies against the wishes of the Roman Catholic church. Yeah, yeah yeah, I can see how his failure to comply with the rules of the church is 'soooo romantic', but it's really not enough to get me all hot and bothered about yet another commercially exploited day out of the year.

Sure, I was into it when I was a kid and actually up until quite recently, only because I love filling out the goofy little cards and letting the people that I love know that I appreciate them. Last year, for example, I was living in a residence hall and I bought/wrote/delivered Fun-Dip Valentines to all the girls on my hall and a couple other people in the building. I bought super cheesy cards for my mom and my brother, and wore a super goofy pink necklace to work with my pink shirt for the day.  Yeah... I like all the cliche practices that come with holidays. 

This year, however, I did nothing to celebrate Valentine's Day. My facebook status was really all the recognition I paid to this day: Courtney Booth doesn't have, doesn't need, and actually doesn't want a valentine. I'm quite content just loving and being loved by all the amazing people in my life. :)  Yeah, yeah, it's cute. I know. :)

Besides being single (yet again), I've been sick for the past few days and just not in the mood to deal with over the top lovey-dovey ridiculousness. I felt slightly lame that I didn't get my mom a card, or call my brother, but in all seriousness- I didn't talk to hardly anybody today. I helped a friend try to fix a last minute problem and listened to another vent her feelings about her boyfriend joining a fraternity. I went to one class (only because I've exhausted all of my absences) and I felt completely miserable the whole time. I did, however, manage to write a paper for my Gay Politics class and I'm probably going to do some additional research for my portion of the group project that my group is doing before I call it a night.

Instead of boring my almost non-existent group of readers (I really think I only have like, three) with the completely mundane rundown of my completely mundane day or a list of other crazy things I have going on this week, I'll just leave you with this:

 I appreciate you, whether or not I tell you all the time, for everything you so and everything you bring to my life. You're truly amazing and I would be so lost without you. <3

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