Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happiness isn't a destination...

Bryson City, North Carolina.
Summer, 2009

Titanic was on ABC Family when I got home from Chapter this evening, and I just happened to turn it on at the part where the ship is sinking and there's a montage of people that are clearly not going to make it off the ship... you know, the mom reading to her kids, and (the most heartbreaking of all) the old couple laying in bed while the water swirls into their room... yeah, it's sad. Anyway, it got me thinking about my life as of late and I've come to the realization that, as of late and despite everything going on, I'm really happy. :)

I joined my fraternity last semester, and I fully believe that it's the best decision that I've made in my entire college career. I find myself constantly surrounded by people that lift me up and make the ridiculousness of life seem like a walk in the park. While there's always some kind of drama (let's be serious, we're a fraternity comprised mostly of women) there's always someone standing next to you to make sure you make it out alive. I highly doubt that there's ever going to be a way for me to fully explain just how much I love every single one of my brothers for simply being part of my life.

You know how there are always those select few people that walk into your life, and you instantly know that they were put there for a reason? I've been so incredibly blessed to have wonderful people recently walk into my life that I've felt are here just to turn my crummy days around and make my good days just [that] much better. I've always had amazing people to rely on, but these super special people... there are just no words. I love that no matter how crummy of a day I'm having, they're there to listen to my rants and my bitching and sometimes even my tears without judging, and always with encouraging words to make me feel better. I sincerely hope that everyone has at least one person like this in their lives, because it's truly something incredibly special.

I've got a pretty intense week lined up... I've got committee meetings, a make up test, and a trip to Gainesville to look forward to... and I'm actually okay with how crazy things are going to be for the next few days. I picked up an extra shift at my second job, so yay for getting more money in my paycheck! :) I've gotten extremely lucky while I've been doing night staff (I haven't had any major issues...yet {knock on wood!!}) and I'm really excited to see where everything goes in the future.


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