Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The down-hill slopes are always the easiest to ride...

Literally the worst two weeks of my life.

To start everything off, I've been sick. I don't know if you know this, but I NEVER get sick, so when it happens, I'm down for the count. Ordinarily this wouldn't be such a major dilemma, buuuut being sick AND starting a new job AND having midterms just doesn't work out well... at all. 

I'm in the process of retaking a class that I didn't do so well in the first time (mainly because I have a problem with attendance in classes where it's not mandatory) and my grade on my mid-term that I took last week is a pretty decent indicator that I'm swiftly on track to doing not so great again. Sure, I've missed a few days, but for the most part, I'm going to class and attempting to pay attention to lectures. I have all of the notes from the last time I took this class, so it should really be a piece of cake, but it's not. I seriously need to figure out how to completely ace my next two exams, because they're the only two grades left in this class. On a side note, I hate classes where your grade is only determined by three tests. What if you're not a good test-taker? You're screwed, and I think it's bullshit. (In case you're not picking up on what I'm saying- I'm a bad test taker. Like, really bad.)

On a more positive side, my amazing History of Ireland professor is being so amazingly awesome by letting me take tonights test on Tuesday because I've been sick. I've only missed two classes, but that's still SO much to be behind on, and I'm super grateful that he's giving me an extension on this test so I don't completely fail it. (Speaking of which, I'm still not sure what I got on my first test... and all I'm praying for is a C at this point... again, I'm an awful test taker) Fingers crossed for me! :)

On a completely unrelated note- There's a HUGE anti-abortion campaign going on out in the union today. Some of the pictures that are on display are quite graphic and understandably cause people to get quite emotional. I personally don't support abortion (I feel that if you're stupid enough to have sex without protection, you should have to live with the result of that action.), but I do feel that if you're going to have an abortion, you should at least have a safe option available to you. I understand that people are raped, and a LOT of people aren't comfortable having a baby fathered by a rapist, and that's their right as an individual. Do I support the killing of a child? No. Do I understand why someone would make that choice? Yes.  What I'm not okay with is people coming up to me and literally screaming their opinions at me when I'm CLEARLY not participating in this event. There's a right and wrong way to handle yourself, and screaming at me is not something that a) makes me want to listen to your point, b)makes me want to stand beside you in voicing that point, and c) is not polite. Seriously, I don't scream my beliefs at you, so please don't scream yours at me.

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