Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I color when I'm stressed.

The past 24 hours have been quite stressful for me. I had a make up exam for my Irish History test that, let's be serious, I have no business getting anywhere near a decent grade on... but I will, and those are the breaks. Between attempting to study for my test this afternoon and going through two new coloring pages tonight, I'm clearly ready for this weekend to arrive.

The 60th anniversary of Iota Rho is coming up in APRIL and there is still an incredible amount of stuff to do. We used to joke in the beginning that if Iota Rho were to ever have a wedding, this would be it... and now it's becoming quite the reality. I mean, we're using a wedding checklist to make sure we're covering all of our bases and we're all signed up for at least 4 different wedding websites just so we can creep centerpiece ideas. It's absolutely insane. I seriously thought my head was going to explode tonight sitting in the lounge with not only the brotherhood committee but the pledge committee as well. I don't know if it's because my brain was completely fried from this afternoon or there was just too much going on at one time, but I legitimately considered (for about 10 minutes anyway) getting up, giving everyone the finger, and walking out of the room. Dramatic, yes... but then again, I wasn't voted most dramatic in my pledge class for nothing.

I love the nights where it's warm enough to sit outside, and yet cool enough to be just right. Couple that with having heart to hearts with my brothers, and you've got yourself a pretty perfect evening.

I don't really like opening myself up and laying myself out in front of people so they can pick through the deep ridiculousness that is my life. I don't usually share the fact that I chose to participate in therapy for my family issues, and I've really scaled back on splurging my family drama all over the place. (I know I've told just about everyone that my 19 year old brother's going to be a dad in June... but I'm angry and sometimes I just need to vent.) I don't share my grades with people anymore and I hardly tell people when they've hurt my feelings. Just to kind of sum it up, I'm a pretty private person, despite everything my obnoxious persona may project. Despite being an closet introvert, I absolutely love that I can talk to my brothers about anything and everything going on in my life. I don't have to be continuously guarded because I know that, no matter what, they won't pass judgement on my life or my experiences. I know I've done a few posts regarding how amazing I think my fraternity is, but seriously, it's just such an amazing part of my life that I can't help but share it with the entire 4 people that read this blog.  ( I love you guys too :) )

There are so many amazing things planned for the next couple weeks... I have issues with patience so the days are absolutely dragging by... but I'm excited to see how everything comes together. :) I can't wait to be home for at least a few hours, to be re-united with some of my favorite family members on the planet, and to watch my cousin walk down the aisle and marry the  man of her dreams. I can't wait to meet the brothers in other amazing chapters this weekend and create new bonds of awesomeness within this crazy family that is APhiO.

I can't wait to have my first littles. :)

Like I said, it's a lot to look forward to... and I'm looking forward with so much anticipation that it'll be a wonder if I sleep at all in the next few days. :)

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