Sunday, February 6, 2011

FUCK. Oh hey Face, meet Palm.

I feel like the word FUCK appropriately sums up my weekend... Not that it was all horrible, but that's really besides the point.

Last night, pre-crew party, was pretty hilarious. I'll save the details and just let you all know that I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I was kinda hoping that the wonderfulness of everything would have carried over into the other party (this one was hosted at my house; weekend number TWO hosting parties... it was cray) but I was sadly disappointed.

I mean- I like to party just as much as the next person (if not slightly less), but even I know when enough is too much. I put up with a lot of shit when parties get thrown at my apartment mostly because I don't want to be 'that girl' that fucks up the vibe with constant nagging about not trashing my roommates bathroom or how I have neighbors that deserve to sleep somewhat undisturbed. I know, I know, the point of a party is to be loud and rowdy and to have an amazing time, but seriously- jumping off my balcony and urinating on my neighbors doorstep is taking things too far. Let's just run down a list of things my apartment is NOT equipped to deal with:

  1. More than 70 people inside at one time. I have a pretty decent sized living room and a fairly decent amount of hallway space, but they're definitely not equipped to handle that many people for long periods of time. It also gets REALLY muggy and disgusting with that many people inside, which is just gross.
  2. MULTIPLE alcohol and other liquids being spilled on the carpet throughout a period of 5 hours. When I have to wade through my living room to get to my bedroom, there's a problem.
  3. Idiots who feel the need to prove their manliness to other people. No, I don't care that you think you can jump off the balcony without killing yourself- you're drunk and clearly not capable of making positive life choices. My advice to you? DON'T DO IT.
  4. Drunken fights. I don't like confrontation, especially that of a physical nature. We have a rather nice television (that doesn't belong to me!) in the living room, and I'm pretty positive that it cannot withstand having people thrown into it or getting knocked onto the floor. On top of everything else,I have like, ZERO fighting experience, so I'm really only good for standing in between idiots who think it's a good idea to fight each other when they're drunk (Let's be real- that's a bad life choice) and screaming really loud.
That list could go on for a while, but I'm pretty sure you get the point. Needless to say, I spent last night incredibly annoyed and stressed out... which was clearly no fun.

Moving on-

I have a knack for creating those 'foot in mouth' situations. It's not something that I do on purpose (trust me, I hate awkward moments when people take offense to something that wasn't supposed to be offensive), but it's something that tends to happen quite frequently. I clearly need a filter or at least someone to follow me around and snap a rubber band on my wrist, or SOMETHING to help me out with this. I hate the fact that something that I said has hurt someone's feelings or made them angry, because I can't stand having people angry with me. Seriously- it makes me cry.

I had one of these moments tonight at chapter (I'm a brother in Alpha Phi Omega) and it made me feel SO horrible. :(  You know how there are those people that are so amazingly genuine and nice that it just breaks your heart to hear that something you said has made them upset? There are a couple people like that in my fraternity, and it was one of these people that I think I hurt their feelings this evening. Cue sad face and broken heart. I think we've managed to smooth things over though, so fingers crossed that my :( will turn into a :) and everything will go back to being hunky dory.

Phew- if feels really nice to get a lot of my frustration about this weekend out so I can make room for happy things.

On a happier note- WE HAVE PLEDGES!! :)

This semester's pledge class is HUGE! It makes me really happy though, because they're all such an amazing group of people that are surely going to bring a lot of positive energy to the fraternity and hopefully help in keeping us on a positive course. I can't wait to see how their pledge semester progresses, and how Tony shapes them into awesome pledges that will fit right into our ever-growing family. :)

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