Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I was reading on of my (fraternity) brother's blogs this afternoon, and I really like the way she chose to introduce herself to her followers... so I'm following in her amazing footsteps and introducing my whole self to you. :)

1. I spend about 85% of my class time on Facebook.

2. Successfully managing money is something I'll never be good at.

3. When I was younger, my granddad and I would have contests to see who could eat the spiciest foods. Now I can't eat spicy food at all.

4. I absolutely cannot focus on telling someone something if there are distractions around me. It's normal for a 2 second story to take me 5 minutes to tell.

5. I HATE intolerance with a passion. Equality is a RIGHT, not a PRIVILEGE.

6. I firmly believe that my parents getting divorced was one of the best ideas my mom ever had.

7. I lived in England for 5 years when I was a kid. I lived on an American base, so no, I don't have an accent. Sorry to disappoint.

8. I have horrible posture because I slouch all the time.

9. I get slightly uncomfortable when I sit in the passenger seat of a car. 

10. I never went to an actual middle school. 6th grade was part of the elementary school and 7th & 8th were part of the high school.

11. I want to do something with my life that leaves a (positive) memorable impression on at least one person.

12. I can't stand driving slow and I have a low tolerance for traffic.

13. I don't believe in pre-marital sex.

14. I only interact with a small number of people on a constant basis. I prefer it that way, it's easier to develop lasting relationships when you have more time to put into them.

15. I'm a brother in ALPHA PHI OMEGA  and I couldn't be happier with my life if I tried.

16. I can't stand the fact that people die. I know it's not something that I have any sort of control over, but the thought of people I love dying absolutely terrifies me.

17. I don't like when people fight in front of me. It makes me feel awkward.

18. It's normal for me to not talk to my immediate family for extended periods of time.

19. I chose to major in International Affairs so I didn't have to take math once I got my associates degree.

20. I put milk in my hot tea.

21. I love the people in my life more than they'll ever know. 

22. When my brother had to take a tour of the Duval County Jail, I tagged along, just to see what it was like.

23. I'm a senior at Florida State University. Go 'Noles!

24. One of the smartest things I've ever done was invest in an iTrip. I hate talk radio, so now I can just avoid it all together. :)

25. I went to an allergist a few years ago, to see what I was allergic to. (duh)  2 hours, and 72 pin-pricks later, I learned that I'm allergic to just about everything under the sun.

26. I have all 5 of the original Spice Girl Barbie dolls, still in the box.

27.. I frequently have conversations with myself in an attempt to prepare myself for serious discussions.

28. I color when I get stressed out.

29. I journal so infrequently that I've been using the same journal for the past 8 years...and I still have a good chunk of empty space in it.

30. I silently (and sometimes not so silently) judge people. It's not something that I'm proud of, but it happens.

31. As happy as I am that I don't live there anymore... there are still parts of Jacksonville that I miss.

32. I love the days where I can just lay outside and look at cloud shapes.

33. I don't like blue highlighters.

34.. I LOVE grape juice.

35. It took me 20 years to make my first Build-a-Bear.

36. I internalize...really badly. I'm working on this new thing called 'telling people how I feel.' I'll keep you posted on how it's going. :) 

37. I've cut a lot of people out of my life within the past two years... and I can honestly say that I've never felt a moment of regret.

38. I love country music... and musicals...and 80's...

39. I work for University Housing... and I love the people I work with. :)

40. I need to focus more on myself instead of other people.

41. I still watch the Disney Channel.

42. Date nights make my life.

43. I get wickedly uncomfortable talking about sex.

44. People that drive long (straight) distances with their blinkers on annoy me.

45. I collect postcards.

46. I graduated from high school on May 21, 2007.

47. If I could spend the rest of my life in pajamas, I would.

48. Rainbow Sherbet from Baskin & Robins will always be my favorite ice cream flavor.

49.I put black olives and broccoli on my pizza.

50. I am OBSESSED with the color orange.

51. When I grow up, I want to live in a big southern-style house, with a wrap around porch, in a place where I have to drive at least 15 minutes to get to the grocery store.

52. I love laying out at night and looking at the stars.

53.I frequently make decisions that are detrimental to my bank account.

54. The puppets in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie scare me.

55. I have more 'adopted' family members than I can even count.

56. I refer to my best friends parents as 'mom' and 'dad'.

57. I don't understand the point of Anime.

58. I hate wasting paper.

59. I put ketchup on my grilled cheese. 

60. I like grits.

61. Texture is the reason I don't eat half of the foods I don't like. 

62. I don't eat pork or fish.

63. I still cover my mouth when I cough in my sleep.

64. The frosting on cake? Yeah, I hate it. 

65. I like LOVE musicals. 

66. I say that I hate people on a constant basis, mostly out of frustration. You know it's never really true until I delete them from my cell phone.

67. I openly wore headgear to school in 3rd grade. 

68. I also had braces for just about 4 years.

69. I was a band geek in high school. Make fun of it all you want, but it was seriously the BEST time of my entire life.

70. I like to go back and look at old things that I've written... the insignificance of some of the things I complain about is hilariously astounding.

71. I've come to love the alone time I get when I take I-10 home for the weekend.

72. It gets on my nerves that some people in my extended family don't know how lucky the are to have each other.

73. I Relay for Mary Beth Knox.<3

74. I'm right handed.

75. I love cheese. No joke, it's one of my favorite foods.

76. I chew on my straws. I normally chew on them to the point where they become square shaped, because I think squares are just as cool as circles.

77. I can successfully pour the 'perfect' beer from a tap...after about 15 warm ups. :)

78. People that take advantage of other people annoy me.

79. I am 100% Pro-LIFE. I do, however, support the Pro-CHOICE argument that safe alternatives to black-market abortions need to be properly funded. Nobody likes rusty knitting needles.

80. When I get bored, I like to color my hair.

81. I have very little desire to have my own, biological child. I think it's selfish to bring a baby into this world when there are already so many kids that need families. I want to adopt a child or two when I get to the point where I'm ready to accept that kind of responsibility.

82. I feel guilty when I run red lights.

83. I hate key lime pie. I think it's disgusting.

84. I love reality TV, even though I know it's total crap.

85. I absolutely cannot function if my feet are hot.

86. I have more gay friends than straight friends, and I'm quite content with that.

87. I think makeup is a waste of money. 

88. I'm fully aware that I'm a hypocrite.

89. I used to work at an independent living facility in high school, and I loved just about every minute of it.

90. I tend to cry in high-stress situations.

91. I love to swing. :)

92. It annoys me when I send a time-sensitive e-mail and the recipient is 'out of the office'

93. I throw 110% of myself into my relationships with other people.

94. Giraffe's are my favorite animal.

95. I want to be more adventurous.

96. I love to bake. 

97. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life after graduation... which is probably why I'm almost actively trying to derail my academic career.

98. I love hard.

99. The cologne that my granddad wears is my favorite smell in the entire world.

100.  I honestly, for being almost 23 years old, don't drink that often. I had that obligatory semester after my 21st birthday where I went insane. I'm glad that period's over. :)

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